OH Art Foundation Presents
Prismatic (Re)ality
June 21st 2024 - July 12th 2024
Curated by: Gordon Fung & Yuwen Huang

Join us on 6/21 6–9 PM for Prismatic (Re)ality's opening reception at OH Art Gallery 3rd floor of Zhou B Art Center (@ohartfoundation). Featuring AI-generated contents, kinetic installations, custom-built video games, neon arts, projections, and audiovisual installations, 14 technologists and media artists create a paraficitional space that expands our experience and understanding of both physical and digital realms.
Tri (Erik Akerman), Yousif Alzayed, Rose Ansari & Zhe Li, Mengjun Duan, Juan Flores, Eul Lee, Zitian Li, Yiyi Liu & Dong Yao, Lorenzo Osterheim, Mac Pierce, Xin Yang, and Yimei Zhu
@tri.log @yousifslens @rose_ansarii @mengjuun @juanedflores @endlessechelon
@lee.eul @zitianli.art @_rerereere @01_yao_ @0sterheim @transistor_resistor @yangxinoo @emair_zhu
Poster Design: Mengjun Duan @mengjuun
This exhibition receives generous support from the Department of Art & Technology / Sound Practices (@atsp.saic)